WorkPowerin toimihenkilöitä toimistolla.

Ensuring a successful working life

We have always focused on working hard and moving forward. Our company has expanded from a small family business in Tampere to a nationwide enterprise. During our 20 years of operation, we have always turned even the toughest of situations to our advantage with both willpower and skill.


WorkPower in numbers

2 698


56 312

Job applications

13 321

Job interviews



26 M€


Significant changes in businesses and careers

Our mission has always been to connect employers and employees in a genuinely caring way. WorkPower was founded in Tampere in 2003, when we started working in the construction and industrial sectors. Since then, we have expanded our business into a wide range of industries, expert recruitment and transition security services. The fast-growing healthcare sector was transferred under our MediPower branch in 2008.

Our long experience in the HR industry has made us a versatile partner for recruitment and staff leasing nationwide. Our story is about everyday heroes, workplace heroes, and all other kinds of heroes. Our guiding principle is to serve our clients and employees in the best possible way and help them form lasting and successful relationships. There have certainly been some ups and downs along the way, but we couldn’t be more thankful for them all. Our joy of work has never waned, and now we’re growing stronger than ever.


WorkPower spirit

Caring and being able to put yourself in another person’s shoes – whether it be a colleague, a jobseeker or an employer – is a sign of humanity. The ability to adapt, to listen to our clients and employees, and to have the courage to make decisions has always been at the heart of our operations.

We also care about ourselves and our work. Over the past ten years, our operations have become more structured due to professional management and the development of our expertise and services. And we are ready to keep growing!

Our vision is to be among the ten largest recruitment agencies and the most desired employer in the field. We work towards these goals with a strong will, efficiency, and a genuine interest in people.


Kuvassa WorkPowerin Timo ja Neli tekevät yhteistyötä toimistolla.


Connecting employers and employees, no matter where they are

By force of will, we have always s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d a little more than others to find the best solution or the most suitable expert for our clients’ needs.

Over the years, we have recruited skilled labour all over the country, both in cities and in remote areas. With the same will, we have transformed all challenges into opportunities and growth.

In addition to our standard marketing channels, we have also attracted qualified candidates by word-of-mouth. We have always cared about our employees and prioritised the needs of our experts and clients. For us, will means the desire to succeed every day, to serve our clients, to learn, and to teach others.

WorkPowerin työntekijöitä rakennustyömaalla.


Fast and efficient recruiting

Speed is one of the values that has guided the development of our services. Our goal is to provide flexible and efficient solutions in accordance with the client’s needs and schedules. We have learned to anticipate our clients’ needs, even before they identify them themselves.

We have always responded quickly to staffing shortages without compromising on quality. Since the beginning of our story, we have helped our clients find new workforce quickly and easily and provided a variety of job opportunities for jobseekers. We have developed the channel between employers and employees, smoothed out sharp edges, and now we’re pushing ahead at full speed.

As they say, you learn from your mistakes. Sometimes we have had to learn things the hard way, but we have always kept moving forward, and our will has never wavered. The roots of learning are bitter, but the fruit is definitely sweet.

Kuvassa WorkPowerin Elina puhuu puhelimessa.

Let's talk

Our professional team is only an email or a phone call away!

Contact us

Ammattititoinen WorkPowerin Joonas hymyilee toimistolla.
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